
vijtrader's Trading Journal
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Losing beliefs and fear

#Trading at work is not ideal. Does not get all the data I want and colleagues around, which makes me nervous. One option to stop trading while I work. Just monitor and monitor. Other big mistake is not putting the stop, accumulating big loss. Basic rookie mistake!

When I woke up today I had a bad dream 'ABC' is destroying my personal life. This unconscious fear has surfaced outside, which is good thing as I can work on that now. Will monitor if this fear is asking me not to make money. This is I need to overcome, should not affect other parts of my life.

#Losing beliefs
whenever I check % winners and losers (more so at work) I need to put the trade.

# Fears that working against me.
Personal: When I woke up today I had a bad dream 'ABC' is destroying my personal life. This unconscious fear has surfaced outside, which is good thing as I can work on that now. Will monitor if this fear is asking me not to make money. This is I need to overcome, should not affect other parts of my life.

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